https://www.sinta.com.tw/contact.html 信达电工股份有限公司 https://www.sinta.com.tw/images/corpimg.png 100 台北市南昌路2段142号1楼 $ 02-2365-1155 SHINKAWA Sensor Technology 台湾总代理 日本新川电机台湾总代理振动传感器 振动监视器 振动分析系统Date of establishment: August 1962 Agents: SHINKAWA Electric Co., Ltd.for over 30 years Power Generation We have improved productivity and stabilized power-generating equipment of every kind. We have handled everything from coal- and oil-based thermal power plants to hydroelectric, geothermal, wind, and nuclear power plants Aerospace, Automobile,Railway Businesses Our sensor technology has applications in a broad range of areas including rocketry and other cutting-edge fields, as well as automobiles, railways, the machine industry, and construction. Oil & Gas Plant We help businesses in the oil and gas industries maintain the stability in every aspect of their operations. Our vibration monitoring systems have been installed everywhere from extraction and conveyance (e.g., pipelines) systems to refineries. These systems can even satisfy your needs for explosion-proof.
https://www.sinta.com.tw/ 信达电工股份有限公司

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公司地址:100 台北市南昌路2段142号1楼 (显示完整Google map)

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